Friday, June 5, 2009

Mexican Scholarship Info 2


a) Immigration
Once candidates have received official written notification of the scholarship award, they must then proceed with all formalities stipulated before the corresponding Mexican Embassy or Consulate. Grantees must be documented as scholarship students with Immigration Form 3 (FM3) not as tourists.
Scholarship grantees may not travel on diplomatic or official passports. The costs of registration and visa renewal shall be borne by the scholarship grantees.

b) Travel to Mexico

If international air travel forms part of the scholarship benefits, the airline ticket will be arranged by the Directorate for Academic Exchange. The Mexican Embassy in the respective country shall notify grantees of the flight and ticket details. In the event international air travel is not included in the scholarship benefits, grantees must travel to Mexico at their own expense.
Before the trip to Mexico, grantees must be sure to have international medical insurance to cover their expenses in the event of illness, accident, or hospitalization for the first three months of their stay in Mexico, given that the IMSS medical insurance does not come into effect until the third month of the scholarship.

c) Arrival in Mexico
Upon arrival in Mexico City, scholarship grantees must report in person to the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation located at: Plaza Juárez N°20, Piso 4 (Fourth Floor), Col. Centro, 06010, México, D.F. between 09:00 and 13:30 hours, Monday thru Friday, to complete the necessary formalities for their registration as SRE scholarship grantees. We recommend that you consult your scholarship grantee guide.

d) First Allowance Payment
The first allowance will be paid to scholarship grantees during the last days of the month in which the scholarship begins and in accordance with the annual calendar they will be given by their local Mexican Embassy before traveling to Mexico. Consequently, it is essential that grantees bring enough living expenses to last for at least the first 30 days. Scholarship grantees who fail to report to the DIA and be documented within the first ten days of the month in which the scholarship begins shall forfeit the first allowance payment.

e) Payment of Monthly Allowance
In the annual calendar schedule, the monthly-allowance payment day and the payroll-list signing dates are stipulated. Scholarship grantees accredited with institutions in the metropolitan area (Mexico City) must go to sign the corresponding payroll list at the offices of the Directorate for Academic Exchange. Scholarship grantees studying in the interior of the Republic must send – via e-mail – confirmation of receipt of their allowance payment. For said purpose and at the moment of being documented, they will be given a simple form prepared by the Directorate for Academic Exchange.

f) Intermediate Formalities
Scholarship grantees must familiarize themselves with the document entitled Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, as well with the processes they must observe as grantees during their stay in this country so as not to omit any formality.

g) Final Formalities
Upon completion of their studies or research, scholarship grantees must hand in to the Directorate for Academic Exchange of the General Directorate for Academic and Cultural Cooperation a copy of the graduating-exam proof document, as well an electronic version of their thesis or final paper and a letter signed by the tutor confirming attainment of the objectives of the project. If applicable, they must also request the airline ticket for return to their home country and be informed of the departure date.
In the event of failing to comply with the foregoing requirements, the last monthly allowance payment and the airline ticket shall be cancelled, if applicable.

Obligations of Scholarship Grantees

These can be found in the document entitled Rules Applicable to Foreign Grantees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Scholarships, which grantees must sign at the moment of receiving the scholarship award and thereby promise to abide by its provisions and respect its contents

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